Little Dove Counseling is a Boutique Counseling Center for Families in California

Services and Rates

Family Play Therapy

  • Children are not mini-adults, despite their best efforts to convince us otherwise! Children are ever-changing, efficiently growing into their next phase of development every-single-day. Imagine, tripling in size and skills in just a year! To make things more complicated, children learn, grow, and communicate through play. No wonder it can be tough to fully know how to help our children through life's surprises.

    We marry the language of children (play) with the wisdom and insight of the parent to help your child heal, grow, and communicate. We believe every child's primary need is meaningful relationships that allow them to create and explore in the world. We believe taking time to support you as a parent is just as powerful as time spent in the playroom.

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  • 50 mins | $185-225

Expressive Arts Therapy for Kids, Teens & Adults

  • Expressive Arts Therapy is for people who heal best through creative expression. Modes include visual arts, dramatic arts, music, poetry/writing, movement, and play. Based on the science that children and teens learn by doing, Little Dove Counseling offers hands-on and experiential therapy settings. Expressive Arts Therapy is ideal for children experiencing overwhelming symptoms of anxiety, depression, or trauma and need a safe and meaningful outlet for their experience.

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  • 50 mins | $185-225

Parent Therapy

  • The pressure parents are under these days is intense. The hustle of oppressive work environments and Bay Area stressors makes life even more complicated. The never ending supply of parenting books, podcasts, and random strangers’ opinions on your parenting approach can feel paralyzing.

    We believe you are the most important person in your child’s life. We am committed to supporting you with getting “back to your gut” in parenting, so you can experience freedom in your choices as a parent. We utilize evidenced-based parenting techniques that are proven to restore connection with parents and children. Techniques include Hand-in-Hand Parenting, Trust-Based Relational Intervention, trauma-informed care, and an attachment-focused lens.

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  • 50 mins | $185-225

Child Therapy

  • Nothing is worse than watching our children struggle with baffling behaviors. Are you feeling surprised, overwhelmed, or worried about shifts in your child’s temperament or behavior? Children develop so quickly! It can be disorienting trying to keep up and discern what is “normal kid stuff” and what might require some extra attention.

    At Little Dove Counseling, we provide child therapy services in Walnut Creek, CA to help you answer this question. Our team of experts adores working with children and believes child therapy should be an engaging and meaningful experience for the whole family. You may be wondering if your child would benefit from child therapy.

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  • 50 mins | $185-225

Teen Therapy

  • Teens fly towards adulthood but aren’t quite ready to leave the nest. Regardless, they certainly try to spread their wings, and often make a crash landing. Teens brains, hearts, and minds are developing at such a rapid pace! Keeping up as the parent is such a wild ride.

    At Little Dove Counseling, we believe relationships paved the way to a healthy adulthood. We focus our work with teens on relationships with themselves, others, and the world. We believe that a healthy teen is a genuinely connected teen. Our teen therapists specialize in relational trauma, disconnection, anxiety, and depression. We understand the complex nature of navigating the world as a teen, and we believe that working closely with the teen and parent to foster connectedness will pave the way to a healthy adulthood.

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  • 50 mins | $185-225

Adoption Therapy

  • Relationships are at the core of the way we view ourselves, decision making, and way of relating to the world. When relationships rupture, our sense of wellbeing and identity is greatly impacted. Relational trauma can occur in obvious ways, such as a the loss of a parent in grade school, and in harder ways to detect, such as infant adoption.

    Adoption, fostering, and building your family in non-traditional ways is incredibly beautiful, but often misunderstood. Society’s lack of knowledge around adoption and fostering can leave children and caregivers feeling isolated and misunderstood. Finding a therapist who has a specialized understanding of attachment, trauma, and relationships as it relates to being adopted or fostered will make all the difference.

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  • 50 mins | $185-225

Group Therapy

  • We are better in community, which often means we heal better in community. Group therapy is an ideal way to develop a growth mindset, learn in real time, and find validation in others’ experiences. Groups will be chosen and developed throughout the year with you in mind. Read more here!

    Current Offerings:

    Friendships & Feelings Group:

    Feelings and Friendships group is geared towards helping kids learn to have prosocial interactions, healthy communication, and big feeling coping skills. The group is play-based and derives from the TheraPlay model. Cohorts are matched based on age and current presenting challenge. Each group is made up of 4 children and 1-2 adults depending on need.

    Artsy Confidence: A Group for Girls to Grow:

    This group is geared towards who may feel anxious or unsure. We use art to reflect on what makes us special. We also work on learning valuable skills to increase self-esteem and build connections with others.

    Expressive Arts Self Care Group for Moms

    This group creates a safe spot for busy and tired Moms to land at the end of a long day. Using expressive art modalities, members are invited to engage in self reflection and care of self in an affirming and safe space. This group is open for all parents to drop in when they need time to connect with themselves and other parents who get it.

  • 50 mins | $50-125


  • We believe in a thorough assessment process to provide the most accurate and thoughtful care to your child. Our first session will span for 80 minutes and be between the therapist and you, the parent to gather information and ensure you feel comfortable with the therapist your family is matched with.

  • 80 mins | $260-$300

Insurance & Billing

We support you by providing complimentary superbill submission to the client’s insurance company if the client has a PPO. Our automated system, called Thrizer, allows for superbills to be submitted the day of session and reimbursement will arrive in your bank account in as little as two weeks! We do not accept insurance, so you’re responsible for the fee upfront. To learn more about the reimbursement process, check out this article or call us today!