Expressive Arts Therapy for Kids, Teens & Adults

Art therapy techniques for kids with trauma in the East Bay

The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA), defines an expressive arts therapist as “a professional who combines multiple forms of the creative arts (drama, movement, visual arts, music, writing, etc) in counseling, psychotherapy or in other forms of interdisciplinary mental health professions to address behavioral and mental health challenges or stressors with individuals or groups.” 

Expressive arts therapy is grounded in the idea of making. This making explores the natural progression from everyday expectations to the realm of imagination when doing Expressive Arts Activities. Artistic expression originates from a profound emotional source within a person and enables them to embark on a significant journey of discovery and healing. The expressive therapies activate the imagination and playfulness in integrative and dynamic ways to foster the development of curiosity and self-regulation. Its healing potential is rooted in its ability to support the reimagining of new narratives that young children, teens, and even adults make meaning of their experiences.

Expressive Arts Therapy can help….  

Promote Whole Brain Integration

Lower Stress Levels

Nurture Emotional Growth

Build Self-Esteem

Support Coping and Psychological Resilience

Increase Confidence

Practice in Mindfulness and Self-Regulating

Increased confidence in teens post-therapy sessions
  • Expressive Arts Therapy is for people who heal best through making. Expressive Arts Therapy includes visual arts, dramatic arts, music, poetry/writing, movement, and play. Science says toddlers, children and teens learn by doing. As child and teen therapists in Walnut Creek, CA, we prioritize space for your kids to experience healing by doing, making, and experiencing. Expressive Arts Therapy is a unique and powerful technique leveraged for your child or teen’s healing process.  

  • No prior artistic experience or skill level is required! The value is in the process of expressing or doing rather than the resulting product. A person does not need to identify as “creative” to benefit from Expressive Arts Therapy because expression is a human behavior that comes in many, many forms. A mark on paper, a gesture, a sound. Everyone can express themselves in their own way. 

  • Expressive Arts Therapy focuses on helping kids, teens, and adults make meaning out of their experiences, which then helps with experiencing reduction in tough feelings, behaviors, and symptoms. You may wonder if Expressive Arts Therapy is the right path for your family.

Child painting to express emotions in art therapy session located in the East Bay

You may notice unusual behaviors in your child or teen that would likely benefit from Expressive Arts Therapy:

  • Bouts of unusual crying and sadness.

  • Tantrums, yelling, and big confusing behaviors.

  • Withdrawn, flat, sullen, short with others.

  • Difficulty making friends or connecting with others.

  • Avoiding specific places, spaces, and people.

  • Unable to concentrate, sit still, or transition.

Perhaps symptoms haven’t surfaced yet, but you worry how your child or teen is coping with tough life experiences. Life events deeply impact our sense of health and wellbeing. Here are some examples of events that may benefit from the meaning making in Expressive Arts Therapy:

  •  Divorce

  • Loss of a loved one

  • Moving to new a state

  • Welcoming a new sibling

  • Attending a new school

  • Car crashes

  • Abusive experiences

Activities in sessions may include…

Drawing, Painting, Collaging

Crafting, Building, Sculpting  

Writing, Poetry, Movement

Drama, Dress up, Story-telling

Creative materials for expressive arts therapy in children in Lafayette, Oakland, Martinez, Danville, and Walnut Creek
Art therapy helping children with trauma recovery. Child building with blocks in Lafayette, Oakland, Danville, and Martinez
Successful stress reduction in kids with the help of art therapy in the East Bay

  • Sessions will look different for each child, teen, or adult. At Little Dove Counseling, we prioritize our relationship with the caregivers/parents to ensure your child or teen is holistically thought about. Your therapist will walk your family through a 4-6 assessment session process. At the end of this period, your therapist will provide information on what was found during the assessment and treatment plan written specifically for your child. The treatment plan will include measurable goals and a plan for meeting them. You and your family’s therapist will have regular check-ins to ensure we are on track.

  • Reach out via your preferred form of contact here. Our intake coordinator will be in touch within one business day to match you with a therapist and schedule your first session.