Adoption Therapy

Emotional healing and growth in kids through professional therapy in the East Bay

Relationships are at the core of the way we view ourselves, our decision making, and way we relate to the world. When relationships rupture, our sense of wellbeing and identity is greatly impacted. Relational trauma can occur in obvious ways, such as the loss of a parent in grade school, and in harder ways to detect, such as infant adoption. Adoption and fostering can be a beautiful answer to such complex loss, but also only exists paired with reality of present loss.  Often, families who are going through the adoption process may feel overwhelmed at the emotions and behaviors that rise to the surface in their new family dynamic. Adoption, fostering, and non-traditional family building is a deeply individual and unique process paired with complex challenges that may leave you feeling isolated and alone. At Little Dove Counseling, we understand each journey is intricate and we are here to help.

Some key areas to consider when thinking about how to support your child and family in the adoption process…

Therapy helping children cope with anxiety and emotional challenges in the East Bay

Understanding the loss…

Relational trauma speaks of the emotional wounds inflicted by disruptions in significant attachment relationships, leading to profound impacts on a child’s sense of wellbeing and identity. Adoption can often be a nuanced area where relational trauma is overlooked. Taking time to understand and mend the hurt is important for your child’s development and wellbeing.

It can be lonely…

The journey of adoption, fostering, and building families through non-traditional means is marked by profound beauty and complexity. However, societal misconceptions and a lack of understanding often leave adoptive parents, foster children, and caregivers feeling isolated and misunderstood. The unique dynamics of attachment, trauma, and identity within these contexts necessitate a nuanced approach to therapy, one that acknowledges the distinct challenges and strengths of non-traditional families.

Successful emotional regulation in kids with therapeutic support in the East Bay

Attachment and Bonding in Adoption…

The process of adoption inherently involves forming new attachments and bonds between children and their adoptive parents! It’s a special and complex process. History of attachment disruptions, loss, and trauma experienced by many adopted child or parent can pose unique challenges to creating those safe and secure relationships. At Little Dove, we believe in the power of attachment above all else. We are committed to helping each child experience deeper and healthier connection with all members of their family system.

The Importance of Seeking Support…

In navigating the complexities of adoption and fostering, finding a therapist with a specialized understanding of attachment, trauma, and relationships is so important for a healthy therapeutic relationship. Specialized training is needed to treat attachment wounds relating to adoption.  From supporting adoptive parents in cultivating secure attachments with their children to helping adopted individuals explore their identity and sense of belonging, specialized therapy plays a pivotal role in fostering healing and resilience. At Little Dove Counseling, we have therapists who specialize in providing adoption therapy!

Positive behavior changes in children after therapy sessions in Oakland, Martinez, Lafayette, and Danville

Healing Relational Trauma…

Central to the therapeutic journey of individuals impacted by relational trauma is the process of healing. Specialized therapists create safe and empathetic spaces for clients to explore and process their experiences, facilitating the integration of fragmented narratives and emotions. Through modalities like trauma-informed therapy, narrative therapy, and play therapy, individuals can begin to make meaning of their past experiences, reclaim agency, and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity.

Okay, so what does adoption therapy look like?

Creating your family’s adoption story!

Play Therapy

Expressive Arts Therapy

Deepening Attachment

 At Little Dove Counseling, we will work with you and your family to create an attachment-rich treatment plan to best meet your family’s needs. We utilized play therapy and expressive arts therapy to help you and your child explore and connect. We believe in helping you and your child create and understand your family’s adoption story! As you craft this narrative, you’ll likely be blown away by how often your kiddo wants to hear their special story. We help you learn to hold both the beauty of you and your child uniting and the sadness of your child’s loss of other attachment figures. Armed with play, art, and games, we do our best to help your family work through these complex pieces in an environment that feels safe and inviting.

  • Sessions will look different for each child, teen, or adult. At Little Dove Counseling, we prioritize our relationship with the caregivers/parents to ensure your child or teen is holistically thought about. Your therapist will walk your family through a 4-6 assessment session process. At the end of this period, your therapist will provide information on what was found during the assessment and treatment plan written specifically for your child. The treatment plan will include measurable goals and a plan for meeting them. You and your family’s therapist will have regular check-ins to ensure we are on track.

  • Reach out via your preferred form of contact here. Our intake coordinator will be in touch within one business day to match you with a therapist and schedule your first session.