Children are not mini adults, despite their best efforts to convince us otherwise! Children are ever-changing, efficiently growing into their next phase of development every single day. Imagine, tripling in size and skills in just a year! To make things more complicated, children learn, grow, and communicate through play. No wonder it can be tough to fully know how to help our children through life's surprises. Enter, Family Play Therapy!
At Little Dove Counseling, we believe parents hold the wisdom and key to their children’s success. We also understand the intricate journey of parenthood is an ever-changing landscape of your child’s growth and life’s demands. At Little Dove Counseling in Walnut Creek, we marry the language of children (play) with the wisdom and insight of the parent to help your child heal, grow, and communicate. We believe every child's primary need is meaningful relationships that allow them to create and explore the world around them. We believe taking time to support you as a parent is just as powerful as time spent in the playroom.
Family Play Therapy
Why Play Therapy?
As a parent, you may be curious if play therapy is the right fit for your child. Play therapy pulls from the belief that toddlers, children, and even teens learn by doing. Childhood is a hands-on, tactile, and experiential phase of life. Consider these scenarios:
You and your toddler are walking to the park on a sunny California day, when suddenly your toddler sees a piece of gum on the ground. You exclaim, “don’t touch that!”, but your attempt to mitigate the grossness doesn’t land. Before you know it, he’s picked up the gum and it’s entering his little mouth!
Your six-year-old is in hysterical tears in the mirror. She does not like the outfit you picked out for her first day of school. When you try to give her other options, none of them will do! After she’s cried it out, she settles on Cowboy boots in a fairy wings, and appears totally over it.
Your 12-year-old walks in the house in a rage, refuses to talk to you, and goes to their room to blare loud music. You knock on the door, but they cry “Go away! I don’t want to talk about it!” and goes back to listening to music.
Kids learn by doing.
What do these scenarios have in common? Verbal conversations did not appear to make a difference in each child’s decision making. Toddlers, kids, and teens move through the world by doing, and this “doing” is why play therapy works. We provide toddler, child, and teen therapy that honors the way the brain works in childhood. The profound power of play gives insight into what your child may be struggling with most. Through play, children can navigate complex emotions, experiment with different roles, and make sense of the world around them. It serves as a bridge, allowing therapists to access the inner world of the child in ways that verbal communication often cannot.
Is play therapy right for your kiddo?
Kids often do not have the words to express their specific hurts and needs. You may be wondering how you would know if your child would benefit from Family Play Therapy. A way to decide is to look at what the kid’s behavior is trying to verbalize to us adults. Here are some examples.
Tantrums, screaming, crying, impossible to console.
Withdrawn, sullen, showing little emotion.
Fearfulness, avoiding certain locations, people, and activities.
Trouble sleeping, waking in the middle of night, grumpy mornings.
Difficulty concentrating, sitting still, transition activities.
Irritability, angry outbursts, aggressive body movements.
Sensitivity to light, sound, taste, or smell.
Perhaps your child has received a recent diagnosis.
Developmental delays
Or, your family is moving through a tough life event.
Loss of a loved one
A New Baby
Bullying at school
Overall, kids need connection to heal.
It’s scary to watch your child struggle, but Family Play Therapy can help with these needs and more. Family Play Therapy recognizes that kids don’t experience life in isolation. Prioritizing connection between the child and caregiver is at the heart of the Family Play Therapy process. Each session will aim to cultivate clear understanding between the toddler, child, or teen and caregiver. Your child therapist is equipped with a deep understanding of child development, attachment theory, and the powers of play. Using these skills, your therapist will partner with you to find out what’s at the core of your child’s behaviors, facilitate moments of meaningful connection between family members, and give you the tools you need to help your child heal.
What will play therapy be like?
Your therapist will utilize techniques, games, activities, and projects to best facilitate your treatment goals. Some examples include….
Feelings Uno
Puppet Shows
Art Projects
Sandtray Stories
After your one-on-one parent intake, your therapist will make recommendations on what family members to bring with you. Sometimes, parents and kids start out doing separate sessions and then come together. Other times, you may bring the whole family in, siblings included! It’s a flexible and strategic process.
Your therapist will walk your family through a 4-6 assessment session process. At the end of this period, your therapist will provide information on what was found during the assessment and treatment plan written specifically for your child. The treatment plan will include measurable goals and a plan for meeting them. You and your therapist will have regular check-ins to ensure we are on track! Ideally, positive results will come and you and your therapist will decide to end treatment.
Reach out via your preferred form of contact here. Our intake coordinator will be in touch within one business day to match you with a therapist and schedule your first session!